General housekeeping information
Generally, groups arrive mid-morning with their own packed lunch. The first meal we provide is at around 5.30pm. Breakfast is at 8am, lunch is variable depending on programme of activities. Washing-up after evening meals is undertaken by the visiting group. We always provide washing up after breakfast so you can get out and do some activities! For an outdoor meal ask us about having a BBQ on our patio. Whilst there is a kitchen with seating at the cottage, breakfast and lunch is served in the dining room at Hawse End Centre.
Key Holder and Fire Alarm responsibilities
There are no Cumbria Outdoors staff on site overnight, so visiting staff are responsible for the security of the building and are given a key for the front door. As part of your induction on arrival you will be shown all the exits, keys, fire alarm procedure and panel and emergency contact numbers.
Public Wi-fi is available and the access code will be provided.
Tuck Shop
We have an on-site tuckshop available to use during office hours at Hawse End Centre. As a guide, items such as pens, highlighters and torches are on sale for £1 - £1.50, notepads £2 and teddy bear key rings £3.50. Chocolate, sweets, and drinks are also available.