Kayaking - Adult groups

Try our one person kayaks and become captain of your very own boat

Nothing beats the feeling of getting your kayak to go in a straight line! Explore our lakes and wildlife in your own kayak, be independent and perhaps even have a dip! Not enough? Ask us about working towards some British Canoeing Paddle Awards or how about tackling a white-water river? See our Canoe Expedition Keswick to Cockermouth or Canoe Expedition Keswick to Scarness for more details or get in touch and start planning your bespoke adventure. Or look at Canoe Rafting, Open Canoeing or Sailing as well?

Adult groups

  half or full day options

  available all year

  up to 10 participants per group

  available from Hawse End Centre and Hawse End Cottage

  available from Scarness Campsite

  all equipment included

  minimum group charge applies