Bushcraft - Education groups

Shelter building, fire making, cooking, and learn to use the environment around us to live on the basics

An enjoyable introductory session to survival skills, activities may include flora and fauna identification, foraging for fuel to make a fire, cooking on the fire, using tools, playing games, making shelters. Bushcraft promotes responsibility, care for others and the natural environment, an understanding of risk, as well as a sense of community and friendship around the fire circle (if you've managed to light one!)


  half or full day options

  available all year

  up to 10 participants plus 1 adult per group

   suitable for Key Stage 2 and above (age 7 years and above)

  off site options (suitable woodland at your site needed)

  available from Hawse End Centre and Hawse End Cottage

  available from Scarness Campsite

   all equipment included

   minimum group charge applies